Interface in Java

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Interface in Java:

An interface is a contract between programmer and programming language. It defines a set of standards which programmer must follow while developing their programs. An interface looks like a class, but it is not a class, because it is not developed to represent an object.

Above is the most suitable definition of the interface, we can define interface in several other ways like:
- Interface is the blue print of a class.
- Interface is created to achieve the abstraction.
- Interface is a medium between programmer and programming language
- Interfaces are used to define standards.

Let’s take a real example - a student has paid some fees in college to take admission in B Tech. So, the contract between them is that, student will pay some amount and in return he will get the knowledge and degree from the college, and proof of this contract is the registration form, which student fills in the college.

Syntax for declaring an interface:

public interface My {


Rule - By default the interfaces are abstract, so we cannot create instance / object of interface. All methods declared inside interface are by default abstract and public because these methods are going to be called by others.

There are 2 major uses of inheritance 1) reusability through classes and 2) dynamic binding through interfaces.

Now, to use the functionality of above interface, first we have to implement it in our classes. Like this:

class Child implements My
      //definitions of interface methods goes here

Quick Question why technology has preferred to use implements word instead of extends, as we did in class?
Answer because we extends means increase, but we are not increasing anything here because there is nothing inside the interface, and we always implement the contracts, so technology has chosen the word implements instead of extends.

Rule – while giving the body of a method implemented from an interface, the method should be declared as public always. A child class has to implement all methods of the interface, an abstract class partially implements the abstraction but interface fully supports it.

Enough theory, let’s take some program examples then we will summarize the characteristics of interface.

interface My {

      void show();

interface My1
      void display();

public class MyImpl implements My, My1

      public void show() {
            System.out.println("Show method called.");
      public void display()
            System.out.println("Display method called.");

      public static void main(String args[])
            My m = new MyImpl();
            My1 m1 = new MyImpl();


Quick Question – What will happen if we declare the show() method in My1 as well?
Answer – this is allowed, because we are just getting method prototype from interfaces and we are providing its definition in our class only once. So, no possibility of ambiguity in this type of multiple inheritance through interface. Now, by doing this both m and m1 objects can call show method.

This relates to a real example of joint account in a bank, where 2 or more members can open a joint account and both are allowed to access the account. So show method is a joint account for both interfaces.

Here is its implementation:

interface My {

      void show();

interface My1
      void display();
      void show();

public class MyImpl implements My, My1

      public void show() {
            System.out.println("Show method called.");
      public void display()
            System.out.println("Display method called.");

      public static void main(String args[])
            My m = new MyImpl();
            My1 m1 = new MyImpl();


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