Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Interface data members - accessibility & features

Before discussing the actual concept, let’s discuss the “final in java” because its directly related to this topic:

"final" in java is similar to constants in C/C++. We can declare a class, a method, data members and local variables as final. Let’s discuss all of them one by one:

  • final class – when we declare a class as final then that class cannot be inherited. So, we can use final if we do not want any other classes to extend my class.
final class FinalClassDemo {


class FinalClassDemoImpl extends FinalClassDemo

When we compile above code, compiler will give error : “The type FinalClassDemoImpl cannot subclass the final class FinalClassDemo”

  •  final method or member function – when we define a method as a final, it means none of the child classes can override this method. So, when we want to stop method overriding then we should declare a method as final.
class FinalMethodDemo {

            final public void finalMethod()
                  System.out.println("Message from a final method.");

class FinalClassDemoImpl extends FinalMethodDemo
            final public void finalMethod() //line # 12
                  System.out.println("Message from a final method.");

When we will compile above code, compiler will show this error at line number 12  “Cannot override the final method from FinalMethodDemo”

  •  final local variable - when we declare a local variable as final, then it will become a constant, it means no one can change its value once it is declared and initialized.
class Temp
      public static void main(String args[])
            final int x = 10;
            System.out.println("x = " + x);
            x = x + 10; //Line No 8 - error at this line

            final Temp temp = new Temp();
            temp = new Temp(); //Line No 12 - error at this line

When we try to compile above code compiler will give this error at line no 8 and 12 : “The final local variable temp / x cannot be assigned. It must be blank and not using a compound assignment”

  • final data member – lets discuss about both static and non static data members as final one by one:

a.    static final data member  - when we declare a static data member as final, then we cannot change its value throughout  the program. We must initialize its value, because static data member always initialize with 0 and this value will never be changed.
      class Temp
             final static int x = 10;
             public static void main(String args[])
                  x = x + 10; //Line No 7 - error at this line
                  System.out.println("x = " + x);
b.    non static data member – again when we declare a non static data member, we must initialize it with some value, because java always initialize it with 0. But, as we know the instance variables are separate for each objects, so the same initial value for will be available for all objects, the there is no difference between final non static data member and a static data member.
There is a solution of above problem – the solution is, assign values for each objects and then make it final. This concept is called “Blank final variable” it says make a variable final but don’t initialize it with initial zero.

Let’s clarify it with an example:

class Temp
      final int x;
      Temp(int x)
            this.x = x;
      public static void main(String args[])
            Temp temp1 = new Temp(10);
            System.out.println("temp1.x = " + temp1.x);
            Temp temp2 = new Temp(20);
            System.out.println("temp2.x = " + temp2.x);          


In above program, we are easily able to assign separate values for each objects in instance variables. Now, let’s try to change its values like below, it will give compiler error at line no 17 & 18: “The final field Temp.x cannot be assigned”

class Temp
      final int x;
      Temp(int x)
            this.x = x;
      public static void main(String args[])
            Temp temp1 = new Temp(10);
            System.out.println("temp1.x = " + temp1.x);
            Temp temp2 = new Temp(20);
            System.out.println("temp2.x = " + temp2.x);

            temp1.x = 40;     //line no 17
            temp2.x = 50;     //line no 18

Now, let’s resume back to the interface concept.

Interface data members – all data members are by default final and static.

interface TempInterface
      int x = 10; // by default x is final and static
class Temp
      public static void main(String args[])
            System.out.println("x = " + TempInterface.x);
            TempInterface.x = 20; // line no 11      

Compiler will complain at line 11 in above program, error: The final field TempInterface.x cannot be assigned.

Now, let’s study a very important factor on interface, let’s run this program first:

interface TempInterface
      void show();

class TempInterfaceImpl implements TempInterface
      public void show()
            System.out.println("Show method executed.");
      public void display()
            System.out.println("display method executed.");
      public static void main(String args[])
            TempInterface tempInterface = new TempInterfaceImpl();
            tempInterface.display(); //line no 21

Compiler will give an error at line number 21 in above program “The method display() is undefined for the type TempInterface” yes obviously it deserves the error. Now, lets try similar program and surprisingly it will run fine, we will then discuss why so:

interface TempInterface
      void show();

class TempInterfaceImpl implements TempInterface
      public void show()
            System.out.println("Show method executed.");
      public void display()
            System.out.println("display method executed.");
      public String toString()
            return "Hello from dev21century";
      public static void main(String args[])
            TempInterface tempInterface = new TempInterfaceImpl();
            //tempInterface.display(); //line no 21 error

            String message = tempInterface.toString();


Characteristics of Java Interface:
  1. A class can implement more than one interfaces, by this way we can partially achieve multiple inheritance without any issues.
  2. By default all data members of interface are final, public and static.
  3. By default all methods of interface are public and abstract.
  4. By default interface are abstract.
  5. A class implementing interface must give definition of all of its methods.
  6. Dynamic binding or runtime polymorphism can be achieved by interface.
  7. An interface can extend more than one interfaces by using “extends” keyword.

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