Monday, May 30, 2016

Java Introduction

Introduction to Java:

Java is a platform as well as a programming language.
Java as a programming language – java is a high level programming language which follows a pure object oriented programming methodology. We have number features / benefits of using java technology; we will discuss each one of them in detail:
  1. Platform independent – We will discuss this feature in detail in immediate next chapter.
  2. Simple – Java is a syntactically simple and easily understandable programming language. Programmers can start working on java without extensive training; they can be productive from very beginning. All concepts of java can be grasped quickly and easily.
  3. Object Oriented – Java follows an object oriented programming methodology, which ensures that everything in java is treated as an object. An object oriented programming is
  4. Distributed
  5. Multithreaded
  6. Dynamic
  7. Architectural Neutral
  8. Portable
  9. High performance
  10. Robust & Secure 

A java program is first written in a simple text file with “.java” extension, and then we have to compile it using “javac” compiler, after compilation, a “.class” file is generated. This .class contains the bytecode, which is a special unique code that is understandable by Java Virtual Machine. Java virtual machine is also known as Java Runtime Environment, it is a java environment which reads the bytecode and convert it in machine understandable format (binary).

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